Protect Your Finances: Our filter features a uniquely designed layer, in contrast to the generic off-brand filter available on the market. We use environmentally friendly and healthy materials.
Prevent Blockages: The pre-filter layer captures hairs, dander, and other large particles, keeping them outside to prevent clogging of the air purifier.
Specialized Allergen Filter: Specifically tailored for pollen and pet allergies, with a coating that treats pollen and pet odors, filtering out harmful particles.
Exceptional Filtration: Our filter uses an exceptional layer that can filter airborne substances such as smoke, pollen, dander, and odors, improving air quality and promoting better health and well-being.
Eliminates Unwanted Odors: The premium granular activated carbon filter physically absorbs unwanted odors and fumes, including smoke, cooking odors, pet odors, and VOCs, making it ideal for homes with pets, cooking, and smokers.