Keep Your Funds: Our filter incorporates a uniquely crafted layer, unlike the copycat filter being sold by competitors, we use eco-friendly and safe materials.
Prevent Blockages: When hairs, dander, and other large particles reach the initial filter layer, they will be trapped and kept out to avoid clogging the air purifier.
Special Allergen Filter Layer: Tailored for pollen and pet allergies with a special coating that treats pollen and pet odors, filtering out any harmful particles.
Outstanding Filtration: We utilize an exceptional filter layer that effectively captures airborne pollutants such as smoke, pollen, dander, and odors, improving air quality and promoting better health and well-being for you.
Eliminates Unwanted Odors: The high-quality granular activated carbon filter absorbs unwanted odors and fumes such as smoke, cooking odors, pet odors, and VOCs, making it an excellent choice for homes with pets, cooking, and smokers.